7/16/24 6:15 AM - Lesezeit

Advertising message from 6 million plants in mega format

Gutmann Media Service


Preserving and growing wealth with Gutmann Private Bankers - this motto is currently visible on a 10-hectare field in the immediate vicinity of Vienna Airport. Gutmann and the advertising agency Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann / DMB. have thus set the stage for a spectacular campaign on the largest advertising space in Austria.

At the beginning of the year, Privatbank Gutmann launched a campaign centred around the claim "Time for a good private bank" in collaboration with Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann / DMB. This involves a strategically well-positioned advertising space in the approach lane of Vienna Schwechat Airport. This will make Gutmann much more visible and better known from Austria.
"The new brand act gets right to the heart of our message: individual and customised investment leads to natural growth and sustainable returns," emphasises Gutmann CEO Marcel Landesmann.
Advertising space of superlatives

Around 6 million plants are used to design the lettering. The advertising space extends over 200 by 140 metres. Each individual letter of the advertising message is 35 metres in size and can be seen from afar. The private bank thus presents itself to all passengers.
Marcello Demner, Managing Director of Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann / DMB: "With the current stunt, we are generating a lot of awareness for the brand and showing in an inimitable way how to hold your own in the field as a private bank."
Passengers have the opportunity to watch this extraordinary out-of-home advert grow until next September.



Brigitte Juchelka

Media Service

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