
Bank Gutmann Aktiengesellschaft

Schwarzenbergplatz 16
1010 Wien, Österreich

Tel.: +43-1-502 20-0
Fax: +43-1-502 20-249

Austrian bank code: 19140
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 549300KFLI6V2PUY8522
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN): 6WE5LC.00000.LE.040

Registered office: Vienna
Commercial Court Vienna: FN 78445k
OeNB ID no.: 0279021
VAT ID no.: ATU15358002
Data processing registration no.: 0028533

Supervisory authority
Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde (FMA, financial market authority)
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria
For more information on this authority and relevant regulations see the Financial Market Authority website.

Statutory norms and interest groups
Relevant legislation includes most importantly the Austrian Banking Act and the Securities Supervision Act. All current statutory norms can be accessed free of charge through the RIS legal information system.

Interest groups:
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Banking and Insurance Sector
Austrian Bankers’ Association


Disclosures pursuant to the Austrian Media Act

Publisher and media owner

Bank Gutmann Aktiengesellschaft
Schwarzenbergplatz 16
1010 Wien, Österreich

Business object
Conducting banking business pursuant to § 1 par. 1 Banking Act

Management Board
Prof. (FH) Dr. Marcel Landesmann (Chairman)
Adolf Hengstschläger
Louis Kahane
Mag. Friedrich Strasser
Mag. Stephan Wasmayer

Supervisory Board
Alexander Kahane (Chairman)
Mag. Josef Schima (Deputy Chairman)
Dr. Nikolaus Arnold
Dr. Burkhard Gantenbein
Alice Kahane-Schuchter
Péter András Küllöi
Ivana Ridler, lic. oec. HSG
Kory Sorenson

Holding an interest of more than 25% in the media owner
Gutmann Holding AG, Chur

For the general orientation of the websites see
•    Presentation of Bank Gutmann Aktiengesellschaft
•    Information about products and services offered by Bank Gutmann Aktiengesellschaft and the Gutmann Group
•    Information on matters relating to capital market regulations